Strathearn Harriers - New Year's Day Run 2014

About the Club

New member or thinking of joining the club? Here are some of what the club has to offer.

Find the kind of running that suits you...

There's quite a variety of club runs taking place most weeks in the year, so there's a very good chance you'll be able to find at least one that suits you in terms of route, distance, speed, time of day and so on. Club training runs are described further in the Training section of this website. 
For most of our regular runs we try to make sure that there are route options to suit different levels of speed and fitness.

The club also has a Junior section for children and young people from 9 to 16 years old. This meets at Taylor Park in Crieff on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The Juniors do a mixed training session of around an hour, overseen by experienced coaches.

If you haven't yet decided to join, why not give us a try? Just come along to any club run that you like the sound of, or get in touch with our Membership Administration by email to - they'll be very happy to answer any questions.

Happy running!